Friday, July 20, 2012

You cannot dream yourself into a character, you must hammer and forge yourself into one.

Lots of trail content pending editing and I have yet to get my photo/video editing programs working. Been busy with interning and my programming capstone project. I'll reboot my operating system when I'm finished with my current project and take the time to back up everything and get it all working smoothly again. Until then, I've been working on a poetry/riddle series dubbed 'Without me there would be nothing.' Each of the writings follow a custom poetry format, which I designed to allow flexibility with flow. The individual writings' of the series have no 'title' per se, but merely an answer to the riddle that will be released on the subsequent post. Each chapter primarily pertains to one a multitude of natural phenomena that are essential to world we inhabit. Here is the first installment:

I draw my strength from the moon and sun,
They yank and release at my seams.
I will take all I can, piece by piece,
And cyclic are my screams.
I am a double edged sword,
Sometimes furious though often fun,
And always frequent nonetheless.
But from my fury, no one can run.
Without me there would be nothing.